MGRC White Noise Newsletter
Maple Grove Radio Club

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Watch for Winter Advisories!

Watch your email for any club or board meeting changes due to winter weather conditions.

MGRC Mission Statement

Maple Grove Radio Club provides education to current and future amateur radio operators, with the goal of serving the public. We are a reliable communications resource for events and emergencies in  Maple Grove and surrounding communities.

President’s Message February 2023

On Thursday, January 26th, Dave Johnson, N0KBD, became a silent key. He has been a huge part of ham radio in the metro area for at least 30 years. He will be greatly missed. His influence and accomplishments are far too numerous to list here. At least 3 on air SK ceremonies were held in his honor this week, and we will also hold one at our meeting on Tuesday.

Another Beargrease Sled Dog Marathon is in the history books, and we were there keeping track of all the teams. The mushers and race officials appreciate our hard work. We’ll talk more about it at our meeting on Tuesday.

There are lots of events coming up throughout the year where ham radio is appreciated, watch for them, and sign up!

Remember, our 2023 Tech Class starts on Monday. If you know someone who wants to get their license, we can help! Send them to, or email me.


Benton Jackson, K0BHJ

Maple Grove Radio Club returns to in person meetings!

MGRC has In-Person meetings the first Tuesday each month. THIS MONTH: Recap of Beargrease by those who attended.


The meeting starts at 1900 hrs (7:00pm CDT)  at the Chester Bird American Legion Post 523 located at 200 Lilac Drive N Golden Valley, MN 55422.  Here is a link for directions.  

You can also attend by zoom if you are unable to meet in person:

Meeting ID: 948 0429 0777
Password: 674964
Phone: 1-312-626-6799

One tap mobile: +13126266799,,94804290777#,,1#,674964#


Club Calendar of Events
Click to go to the club calendar
First Winter Field Day at the TALARC Shack

Winter Field Day (WFD) is held the last full weekend of January each year. While the Maple Grove Radio Club (MGRC) has done Winter Field Day's before, this was the first WFD from the new TALARC shack at the Chester Bird Legion Post in Golden Valley. We had a total of 4 operators and called from 1pm to 7pm CST. Equipment used was a Yaesu FT-991a and [TALARC long-wire] antenna. We had planned to use the shack's Kenwood TS-2000 radio, but there were problems getting it connected to the shack computer for CAT control. So, what was originally supposed to be a second operating unit (my FT-991a) ended up becoming the primary operating unit. Tim Arimond was present to help with the shack setup, and eventually he was successful in getting the TS-2000 connected to the shack computer. But, by then we had already configured the 991a as the main operating unit, connected it to the [TALARC long-wire], and were actively calling for QSO's.

My involvement (K0NOC) with Winter Field Day came about as a result of a query made at the January MGRC club meeting. Peter Winters (N0RUG ) asked if the club was planning anything for Winter Field Day and/or the Minnesota QSO Party. Since I had been wanting to use the shack for some time, it seemed like a good opportunity to volunteer for at least one of the two and I did so for Winter Field Day. My preparations began a couple of weeks prior to WFD with a visit to the shack to get the layout inside and clean up a bit. A week prior to WFD, I brought over my EFHW antenna to see where and how I might set it up for a 2nd station. If we could have two stations operating simultaneously our score could improve substantially. Fellow ham's William Oliver (KF0ADU) and Tim Arimond (N0BYH) were on hand to help me with the antenna planning and setup. After a few false starts we finally arrived at an antenna setup that appeared to be a good 2nd antenna plan for WFD weekend.

"The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry" (Robert Burns). As I was driving to the TALARC shack on Saturday January 28, I got a phone call from Tim Arimond. "Don't setup the EFHW antenna like we did last week. I'll explain more when I arrive." As it turns out, the Legion Hall had some liability concerns about our prior antenna setup plan, so when Tim arrive we began to discuss how else we could setup the 2nd antenna in a way that would satisfy the concerns of our host. We came up with a new plan and began doing the setup in the bitter cold of that lovely January day. Unfortunately, not long after extending my 40 foot spiderbeam next to the shack, due to contraction from the cold, the beam suddenly "dis-extended" (collapsed!). It quickly became clear, due to the constraints we were working under, the 2nd antenna was a failed plan for this Winter Field Day.

Back in the shack, Tim began working with the TS-2000 to get it communicating with the shack computer and the N1MM logging software. As that was becoming a larger issue than expected, we decided to pivot and connect the main shack antenna to my FT-991a. Will Oliver then configured N1MM on my laptop to work with the 991a. Around 20:25:00 UTC (2:25pm) we landed our first contact. Winter Field Day 2023 had begun!

Our WFD operators were Aaron Lewis (W0ADL), Kevin Johnson (KE0NAQ), Will Oliver (KF0ADU), and myself (Dave Englund - K0NOC). Here you see & hear Aaron and Keven taking some calls on the 991a.

After the final count (and removing duplicates) the four operators had logged 119 QSO's. We didn't quality for any of the WFD multipliers so our final score was also 119.

Of course, every ham operating event provides learning opportunities and this was no different. Clearly, we need to be sure all of our shack equipment is working together as expected before the actual event — whether it be Winter Field Day, Field Day, or other contesting events. We also need to have proven any 2nd radio and antenna setups before the event. Still, all in all it was a fun Winter Field Day 2023 at the TALARC ham shack. I'm looking forward to many more MGRC events there! Maybe you'll join us next time!

David Englund, K0NOC

Yaesu Radios Donated to ARRL to Inspire Visitors and Young Hams

There are two new Yaesu transceivers in use at ARRL Headquarters in Newington, Connecticut. They arrived via a generous donation from Yaesu USA.

The Yaesu FTDX101MP transceiver is a welcome addition to Studio 1 in W1AW, the Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Station.

The company has donated an FTDX101MP and FTDX10, both HF/50 MHz transceivers. In arranging the donation, Yaesu Vice President, Sales and Credit Gary Doshay, KN6APR, urged that the radios be used by ARRL "to educate and assist your visitors and especially young enthusiasts for ham radio."

"We appreciate the value that having this equipment available for members and visitors to see and explore will provide," said ARRL Director of Operations Bob Naumann, W5OV. "These are two of the top three performing transceivers on the Sherwood list," he added.

The FTDX101MP was named for Yaesu Founder Sako Hasegawa, JA1MP. The model holds a place of honor, in service in the first operating studio of the Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Station, W1AW. ARRL members and visitors come year-round to tour the station and operate the equipment, most of which has been donated by generous manufacturers over the years. "The radio is already receiving a lot of attention from visitors," said W1AW Station Manager Joe Carcia, NJ1Q. "Some of our recent guests have included students and scouting groups who have enjoyed trying the new radio -- adding to the overall 'wow' factor of the station. We're grateful to Yaesu for this new addition to W1AW."

ARRL Director of Operations Bob Naumann, W5OV, explores the features of the Yaesu FTDX10. The radio is the new addition to the ARRL Radio Lab, W1HQ.

The FTDX10 has been installed in the new ARRL Radio Lab, W1HQ, where it will contribute to the station's ongoing role in the development of innovative amateur radio station design and function. "The Radio Lab is an extension of ARRL's equipment testing program, which supports ['Product Review' in] QST magazine," said Naumann. "Putting the latest in modern radio technology through its paces is the intent of the Lab. It represents what is possible if the modern ham were to go with cutting-edge technology and integration. The Yaesu FTDX10 fits perfectly in that environment."

Naumann says the ARRL stations will benefit significantly from the donations of Yaesu's highly capable rigs. "It demonstrates the important partnership ARRL has with amateur radio manufacturers to educate and inspire our community."

Copyright © 2023 American Radio Relay League, Incorporated. Use and distribution of this publication, or any portion thereof, is permitted for non-commercial or educational purposes, with attribution. All other purposes require written permission.


MGRC Weekly Practice Net:

Our weekly Net is on Wednesdays at 20:200 UTC (8pm), on 147.000, positive offset, tone 114.8. We use directed Net protocol and will have a new question for discussion every week. Please call in if you can reach the K0LTC repeater.

We are always looking for new operators to act as Net Control; we will help train you if you need it. This is a great way to get experience as a Net Control operator. If you would like to try your hand as Net Control, email

The American Legion Amateur Radio Club

TALARC has approved MGRC members in good standing to be honorary TALARC members. If you are interested contact Stephen Cullen, KF0AED at Please include your Name, Callsign, Email, and when you joined MGRC, if known.

Newsletter content submissions

Please send us news, or suggestions for newsletter
by the 15th of the month!

Board Members:

• President: Benton Jackson – K0BHJ (2018)
• Vice President: Zack Whitney – K0ZTW (2021)
• Secretary: William Oliver – KF0ADU (2022)
• Treasurer: Paul Odens  K0AID (2023)
• Trustee K0LTC: Jerry Dorf – N0FWG
• Board Member: Tim Georgi – KD0SFH (2018)
• Board Member: Kelly Murphy – KB0LTY (2019)
• Board Member: Clay Bartholow – W0LED (2021)
• Board Member: David Englund – K0NOC (2022)
• Board Member: Gordon Patenaude – WA0WSR (2023)
• Board Member: Stephen Cullen   KF0AED (2023)


P.O. Box 22613, Minneapolis MN 55422